Land Registration issues resolved on request
Imagine having your very own land registration specialist on hand to deal with all your difficult issues but only as and when you need them.
Our Troubleshooting Support is a cost-effective service that resolves any Land Registration issue causing you problems either on a ‘live’ file or post-completion.
Irrespective of complexity, for a flat referral fee we will provide the solution to whatever the issue is, immediately improving the speed and quality of your transaction whilst saving you considerable time and money
What we do that no one else does
Land Registry staff must remain impartial. They can only ever answer basic enquiries, steer you towards generic practice guides or give out information on issues like progress, timelines and form-filling. Were you aware that they are actually forbidden from providing specific legal advice on a transaction? well that’s correct but it’s also where we come in.
As the only Land Registry senior technician currently working as a freelance consultant in private sector conveyancing, I am in the very unique position where I can offer firms my experience and expertise to troubleshoot the issues I know cause Conveyancers a multitude of problems.
This service has to benefit you for it to work, so the aim is to save you significant time and money by providing quick solutions to any troublesome issues you come across that would otherwise prove difficult and time-consuming to resolve.
By resolving these issues at source, the hope is that it won’t just save you time and money but also improve client care and elevate your reputation as a provider of quality work.
There is no obligation on your part because you can just refer issues across as and when you need to for a flat referral fee, pre-agreed in advance.
For further information on how we can help, please contact us.